2013 – 2014
Fax: 202-362-6560
E-Mail: [email protected]
“What greater work is there than training the mind and forming the habits of the young?”
St. John Chrysostom
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Saint Ann’s Academy! In choosing Saint Ann’s Academy, you have demonstrated a commitment to the values and philosophy of a Catholic education.
The Parent/Student handbook reflects the policies of Saint Ann’s Academy for the 2013-14 academic year. Please read this document carefully and sign the attached agreement. This agreement states that you intend to abide by the policies of Saint Ann’s Academy during the 2013-2014 school year.
The faculty and staff of your school look forward to working with you to promote academic excellence and spiritual development in the context of the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Together let us pray that God, who has begun this good work in us, may carry it through to completion.
God bless you,
Thomas W. Wharton
Section 1
Mission Statement
Saint Ann’s Academy is a Roman Catholic school committed to instructing and guiding students academically, spiritually, and socially. Our students are taught to think critically, participate actively in problem solving, and to live the faith and ideals expressed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Section 2
Saint Ann’s Academy endorses the call of the Catholic Bishops of the United States to express its educational ministry through the objectives of personal spirituality, social justice, and a strong academic program in accord with the Curriculum Guidelines of the Archdiocese of Washington.
- To develop the total Christian personality by instilling in the students a respect for life and reverence for Christian living.
- To develop within the school a strong religious education program based on Catholic Theology, Scripture, Liturgical experience, and service so that each child will grow and develop in the Christian way of life.
- To facilitate the intellectual, social, and physical development of each child through a variety of instructional methods such as small and large group instruction, department classes, and other tools for basic knowledge and formation.
- To aid students in evaluation of their own capabilities and vocational possibilities.
Saint Ann’s Academy is accredited through the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Elementary Schools and the Advanced Accreditation Commission.
Non-Discriminating Policies
Saint Ann’s Academy admits students regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or ethnic background to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
School Programs
Saint Ann’s Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or ethnic background in the administration of educational policies, loan programs, athletic programs, or other school-administered programs.
Title IX
Saint Ann’s Academy adheres to the tenets of Title IX: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
Personnel Administration
Saint Ann’s Academy offers equality of opportunity and treatment for its present and prospective employees without regard to race, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender, disability or any other protected status.
Administrative Team
Msgr. Godfrey Mosley Pastor
Mr. Thomas Wharton Principal
Mrs. Darlene Bowman Administrative Assistant
Grade Pre-K through Grade 5
Mrs. Christine Kernan Pre-K 3-year old class
Mrs. Helen Mazzuca Pre-K 4-year old class
Ms. Amanda Surless Kindergarten
Ms. Leeanne Raleigh Grade 1
Ms. Maggie O’Boyle Grade 2
Mrs. Kendra Neal Grade 3
Mrs. JoAnn Tschiffely Grade 4
Mrs. Leslie Thompson Grade 5
Mr. Shaun Markley Grade 6
Departmentalized Grades for Middle School
Mrs. Deirdre Furr Science, Resource
Grade 7 Homeroom
Mr. Michael Kane Religion, Social Studies
Grade 7 Homeroom
Mr. Brian Blomquist Middle School Language Arts
Grade 8 Homeroom and
Asst. Principal
Mrs. Aileen Shaffer Algebra and 7th Grade Math
Mr. Juan Pablo Soto Spanish Teacher and Computer Coordinator
Special Teachers
Mrs.Patricia Blomquist Art (Grades K-8)
Mr. Juan Pablo Soto Spanish (Grades K-8)
Ms. Sarah Erskine Physical Education
Mr. Andrew Hartman Resource Specialist
Ms. Suzanne Schaffer Resource Specialist
Section 3
Protecting God’s Children
Criminal History Record Checks
The Archdiocese of Washington recognizes that criminal history record checks are a critical element in ensuring the safety of children and protecting them from inappropriate actions or behaviors of others. Therefore, all employees and volunteers who will come into substantial contact with children while working or volunteering for any Archdiocesan institution and/or program will undergo the relevant state and Federal Criminal History Record Checks. Please contact the school office for additional information and to obtain the required forms.
Reports of Known or Suspected Child Abuse
Saint Ann’s Academy is legally obligated to report instances of known or suspected student abuse to appropriate civil authorities. In addition, Saint Ann’s Academy is required by Archdiocesan regulation and the District of Columbia to report instances of known or suspected student abuse to Archdiocesan authorities and the District of Columbia. When instances of student abuse become known or suspected, the following information must be reported to the appropriate authorities:
- Name, address and age of the minor student.
- Name and address of the student’s parents or other person responsible for the student’s care.
- Whereabouts of the student
- Nature and extent of the alleged abuse, including information concerning previous injury possibly resulting from abuse.
- The name of the alleged abuser and the alleged abuser’s address, if known.
- Any other information that may assist the authorities in determining whether abuse has occurred for protecting the student from further abuse.
An individual making a report of known or suspected student abuse need not furnish proof or make an investigation or otherwise determine that the alleged abuse actually occurred. Investigation is a function of the law enforcement authorities. Any attempt by the individual making the report to probe into specific facts and circumstances may delay reporting and interfere with proper investigation. Reports of known or suspected student abuse generally are received and held in confidence by the authorities.
Virtus Training
The Archdiocese of Washington also requires a course for all teachers and volunteers to educate them in identifying and reporting of suspected child abuse. Call the office for more details.
All students attending archdiocesan Catholic schools must be immunized in accordance with the immunization requirements and forms of the Archdiocese and archdiocesan guidelines. The archdiocesan admission policy requiring the immunization of all students seeking a Catholic education in archdiocesan schools is based upon several factors, among them: Catholic social and moral teachings concerning the sanctity of human life; and a serious concern for the health, safety and well-being of students, staff, school communities and the common good.
Prevention Programming
Saint Ann’s Academy is committed to providing a physically safe and emotionally secure learning environment that is free from harassment or bullying in any form, including cyber-bullying. Harassment or bullying or any member of the school community is prohibited (seriously or in jest). All reports of harassment or bullying will be treated seriously. The principal’s review and investigation of a credible allegation will be done in a prompt confidential and thorough manner. Students making such threats face detention, suspension, and/or expulsion.
In the event of any actual or perceived threat of violence or other inappropriate/illegal behavior, Saint Ann’s Academy reserves its right to take any and all actions it deems necessary for the health and safety of its school community, including the individual(s) making the threat. These actions may include contacting law enforcement offices, mental health professionals and/or any other outside experts as the school official(s) deems necessary.
Archdiocesan Catholic School Counseling Services
In the event of an emergency or crisis, the Archdiocese of Washington may send a team of school counseling professionals to Saint Ann’s Academy. One-time, initial counseling services may be rendered to students by school or archdiocesan counseling staff in the event of a crisis or emergency.
Prevention Programming
As a Catholic school, Saint Ann’s Academy believes and teaches that each of us is called to love our neighbor and to treat them with respect. Saint Ann’s Academy is committed to providing a physically safe and emotionally secure learning environment that is free from bullying, harassment, and intimidation in any form, including cyberbullying. Bullying, harassment, and intimidation of any member of the school community is prohibited. All reports of bullying, harassment, and intimidation will be treated seriously. The principal’s review and investigation of a credible allegation will be done in a prompt, confidential, and thorough manner.
The reprisal or retaliation against anyone who report acts of bullying, harassment, and intimidation is strictly prohibited. All reports of reprisal or retaliation will be treated seriously. The principal’s review and investigation of a credible allegation will be done in a prompt, confidential, and thorough manner.
Bullying, harassment, and intimidation mean any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, including electronic communication (telephone, cellular phone, computer, pager, iPod, etc.), that:
Physically harms an individual; damages an individual’s property; substantially interferes with an individual’s education or learning environment; or places an individual in reasonable fear of harm to the individual’s person or property; and
Occurs on school property; at a school activity or event; on a school transportation vehicle or bus; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of a school.
Technology and Internet Usage
Acceptable Use of Technology and Internet by Students in Catholic Schools: Students shall use all Technology Equipment, including, but not limited to computers, networking systems, Internet, mobile devices, communication devices, cell phones, email, social networking sites, calculators, DVD players, and cameras (“Technology Equipment”) with care and respect, whether at school, at home, or elsewhere. Students shall not type, send or otherwise use any inappropriate or offensive words, or display, send, or otherwise use inappropriate or offensive images, sounds or messages from or on Technology Equipment. Students shall not use Technology Equipment in a manner which violates any local, state or federal laws. Students shall immediately report to a teacher or supervising staff member any inappropriate material or misuse of Technology Equipment of which the student becomes aware. Students shall not use Technology Equipment in any way to engage in cyberbullying behavior. Any student use of cell phones and mobile devices during school hours is prohibited, with the exception of medical emergencies.
When using the School’s Technology Equipment, all students: shall not reconfigure any school hardware, software, or network settings; shall print, download, or otherwise transfer only that information approved by the teacher or supervisor; shall obtain the permission of a teacher or supervisor before loading a file or disk onto a school computer; shall not use any school Technology Equipment to create, store, transfer or use software or electronic content in a manner which violates the rights of the holder of copyright in the software or the content; shall not plagiarize works on the Internet; shall not load any software onto school computers without first obtaining the teacher’s permission; shall only use the Internet for school-related projects and shall visit only the sites assigned by the teacher; shall not „surf‟ the Internet or visit „Facebook,‟ or any other social networking websites while at school; shall not log-on to the Internet without permission from a teacher or supervising staff member; shall not give out, post, or otherwise distribute personal information such as photographs, home addresses, telephone numbers, parents‟ work addresses or telephone numbers or the name and location of the school.
Each student’s parent/guardian must review the Technology and Internet Usage Agreement with the student and sign and return the Agreement during the first week of each school year.
Students involved in possession or transmission of inappropriate photos or comments on their cell phones or other electronic devices face suspension and/or expulsion
Section 4
Parent/Guardian Cooperation
Parents/Guardians and students understand and acknowledge the Roman Catholic religious nature of Saint Ann’s Academy. Parents/Guardians and students agree not to publicly repudiate the teachings and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, and will respect and support the unique identity that Saint Ann’s Academy derives from its Catholic faith. As the primary educators of their children, parents/guardians will not act in ways that contradict the Catholic nature of Saint Ann’s Academy. Parents/Guardians shall cooperate fully with the school and the students shall participate in all required school programming, including instruction in the Catholic faith and attendance at Mass. As the primary educators of the students, parents/guardians agree to act in ways that promote the best interests of the church and school and will comply with the policies of the Archdiocese of Washington and Saint Ann’s Academy.
Parent-Teacher Communications
Saint Ann’s Academy encourages parent participation in the student’s education. The following methods are used to help with school-parent communication.
stannsacademy.net Saint Ann’s website has information regarding up-coming school events, inclement weather, red folder items, calendar of events, school activities, as well as other information available for you to access. Families are encouraged to use it.
Saint Ann’s Academy uses the calendar issued by the Catholic Schools Office as the basis for opening and closing dates, school holidays and special observances. Each family receives a copy of Saint Ann’s Academy yearly school calendar at the beginning of the school year. At the beginning of each month, a monthly calendar update is on the website. This calendar has all special lunch dates and school activities. Please frequently go to the website to view any changes to the calendar.
Student Led Parent-Teacher Conferences
Arrangements are made for conferences with parents at the time of the first report card in November and the third quarter. However, the principal and teachers are available to discuss student concerns with parents throughout the year. Parents may arrange an in-person, after school or telephone conference to take place at a time mutually convenient to the parent and the teacher or principal. A parent may also feel free to send the teacher an email.
Parent Classroom Visits
Parents may visit their child’s classroom after the visit has been scheduled with the classroom teacher. All parents must enter the school by ringing the bell at the main door. All visitors must sign in and receive a pass and remain in the office until the teacher comes to greet them.
Parents as Partners
As partners in the educational process at Saint Ann’s Academy, we ask parents:
To set rules, times, and limits so that your child:
Gets to bed early on school nights;
Arrives at school on time and is picked up on time at the end of the day;
Is dressed according to the school dress code;
Completes assignments on time; and
Is scheduled to have a catered lunch or brings nutritional sack lunch everyday.
To actively participate in school activities such as Student Led Parent-Teacher-Conferences;
To see that the student pays for any damage to school books or property due to carelessness or neglect on the part of the student;
To notify the school office with a written note when the student has been absent or tardy;
To notify the school office of any changes of home address, email address or important phone numbers;
To inform the school of any special situation regarding the student’s well-being, safety, and health;
To complete and return to school any requested information promptly;
To read school notes and newsletters and to show interest in the student’s total education;
To support the religious and educational goals of the school;
To support and cooperate with the discipline policy of the school;
Demonstrate respect and courtesy to, the administration, faculty, staff and visitors .
Parent’s Role in Education
We at Saint Ann’s Academy, consider it a privilege to work with parents in the education of children because we believe parents are the primary educators of
their children. Therefore, it is your right and your duty to become the primary role models for the development of your child’s life—physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and psychologically. Your choice of Saint Ann’s Academy involves a commitment and exhibits a concern for helping your child to recognize God as the greatest good in his/her life.
Good example is your strongest teacher. Your personal relationship with, each other, and with the Church community will affect the way your child relates to God and others. Ideals taught in school are not well rooted in the child unless these are nurtured by example of good Catholic/Christian morality and by an honest personal relationship with God in your family life.
Once you have chosen to enter into a partnership with us at Saint Ann’s Academy, we trust you will be loyal to this commitment. During these formative years (Pre-K3-8), your child needs constant support from parents and faculty in order to develop his/her moral, intellectual, social, cultural, and physical endowment. Neither parents nor teachers can afford to doubt the sincerity of the efforts of their educational partner in the quest of challenging, yet nourishing, the student to reach his/her potential. If there is an incident at school, you as parents must make contact with the school.
Students are naturally eager to grow and learn. However, sometimes in the process of maturation new interests may cause them to lose focus. As this natural process occurs, the student needs both understanding and discipline. At times, your child may perceive discipline as restrictive. However, boundaries and limits provide a young person with both guidance and security.
It is essential that a child take responsibility for grades he/she has earned and be accountable for homework, long-term assignments, major tests, service projects, and all other assignments. This responsibility also extends to times of absence.
Together, let us begin the year with a commitment to partnership as we support one another in helping your child to become the best person he/she is capable of becoming.
Parent Cooperates
Home and School Association
The Saint Ann’s Academy Home and School Association (HSA) promotes communication and cooperation between the parents and school. This group, which is analogous in many ways to a parent-teacher organization, sponsors many worthwhile projects throughout the year. Traditionally, the following homerooms sponsor these receptions:
Seventh Grade June – Graduation Party
Fifth & Sixth Grades May (Alternate Years) Confirmation
Third Grade May – First Communion
Second Grade Catholic Schools Week
Grandmothers’ Tea
First Grade June – Kindergarten Graduation
Section 5
Archdiocesan School Attendance
The following are valid reasons for excused absences from school (if properly documented by the student’s parent or guardian upon the student’s return to school):
Illness of the student (after three days of illness, student must provide medical documentation that indicates that the student is able to return to school);
Death in the student’s immediate family;
Necessity for a student to attend a judicial proceeding;
Lawful suspension or exclusion from school by chief administrative officer.
Temporary closing of facilities or suspension of classes due to severe weather, official activities, holidays, malfunctioning equipment, unsafe or unsanitary conditions, or other conditions requiring closing or suspension of classes; and
Other absence(s) approved in advance by the principal upon the written request of a parent or guardian. Sufficient notice should be given to the school in order to provide expected student work to be completed while absent. Failure to provide sufficient time may result in an unexcused absence.
Any absence that does not fall into one of the above categories, or is not properly documented by the student’s parent/guardian, is an unexcused absence.
Reporting absences
When parents know a student will be absent they should phone 202-363-4460 ext.200, or send an email to Saint Ann’s Academy. The email address is: [email protected].
Students arriving after the 8:10 am bell will be marked tardy. Students who arrive after the first class begins, at 8:30 am, will need to be signed in by their parent or guardian. Please adjust your schedules accordingly. It’s for the safety of our children.
School Emergency Form
A School Emergency Form must be on file in the office so that parents and guardians may be notified if a student becomes ill. This form is also used for when students go on field trips. For this reason it is incumbent upon the parents and guardians to keep the information on the form up-to-date.
Section 6
School Schedule
The daily schedule for Saint Ann’s Academy is as follows
8:05 a.m. | Students enter gym for morning prayers. |
8:10 a.m. | Second bell. Prayers begin. Following prayers, the students begin classes. Any student arriving after the second bell will be marked tardy. |
11:30 a.m. | Recess |
12:00 noon | Lunch |
12:30 p.m. | Classes resume |
2:45 p.m. | Students prepare for dismissal/extended care. |
2:50 p.m. | Prayers |
3:00 p.m. | Dismissal |
On Tuesdays, students are dismissed at 2:00PM.
Transportation Permission
Parents/guardians of every student must complete an Archdiocese of Washington Transportation Permission form (Form 12), which indicates the method by which the student will be transported to and from school each day. If the student will be driven to and from school, parents/guardians must provide the name and contact information for each person who is permitted to pick up the student. Any requests for alternative transportation must be made in writing prior to dismissal, via a signed note form the parent that is dated on day prior to the day for alternative transportation. Without written permission from a parent/guardian, no student will be allowed to leave the premises with anyone other than those who were allowed to transport the child according to the written record.
Transportation, Traffic Patterns, Early Arrivals, Departures
The school is conveniently located on Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, DC, between Albemarle Street and Tenley Circle. It is on a major bus route as well as the Metro Red line entrance/exit for Tenleytown/American University. Students are to use good manners and act responsibly while off school premises. They are to follow normal safety precautions and obey all traffic laws.
District of Columbia students
For students who live in the District of Columbia and use public transportation, application forms for Metro rail/bus passes are available in the school office.
Traffic pattern procedures in the morning
The driveway is one way at all times. All vehicles must enter from the Yuma Street driveway and proceed to the school’s parking lot. All vehicles must exit onto Wisconsin Avenue. There is no parking on any adjacent property, including Janney Elementary school.
The same traffic pattern exists in the morning for preschool children. However, preschool parents may park in the parking area facing Wisconsin Avenue to escort their children into the classroom.
Parents who have business in the school and who arrive by car should arrive prior to 8:00 a.m. and proceed cautiously to the parking area facing Wisconsin Avenue
Early arrivals
Students arriving earlier than 7:45 a.m. are to be in morning care. Only Pre-school parents are allowed to park on the Wisconsin Avenue parking lot while dropping off students.
All vehicles must enter from the Yuma Street driveway and exit onto Wisconsin Avenue. Please do not ever leave your car unattended in the lane. If you need to come inside the building, please park in the parking lot or, on the street. At no time is anyone to by-pass to the front of the line.
Students who ride Metro rail, bus or walk home are to leave promptly at 3:00/2:00 p.m. Students are to walk to the appropriate intersection for boarding either Metro rail or the bus. Students should go directly home. Loitering on sidewalks and in front of local businesses is against Saint Ann’s policy and is against the law in the District of Columbia.
Early Dismissal
The procedures for early dismissal are for the safety of the children. No student may leave the school grounds without special permission
A parent or legal guardian must sign out the student in the office and remain in the office until the child is present.
Before and After School Programs
Saint Ann’s Academy offers before and after school programs for the convenience of working parents. These programs are only available to students of Saint Ann’s Academy.
Pre-K Aftercare Program
The Pre-K Aftercare Program is from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. To use this service, the child must be registered. The Director is responsible for keeping parents informed of the regulations and procedures for the program. For additional information refer to the Pre-K Aftercare Program available in the school office.
Extended Care Programs
Morning Care
Saint Ann’s Academy Morning Care is provided from 7:00 to 8:05 a.m. each school day. The doors will be opened at 7:00 a.m. To use this service, the child must be registered. For additional information refer to the Extended Care Program available in the school office.
Extended Care
Extended care is provided from dismissal to 6:00 p.m. This service is not available when school is dismissed at 12:00 noon. To use this service, the child must be registered. The Director is responsible for keeping parents informed of the regulations and procedures for the program. For additional information refer to the Extended Care Program available in the school office.
Non-registered Students
Any student who is not registered for the Extended Care Program and remains on school grounds twenty minutes after dismissal will be placed in the Extended Care Program. All students will be billed accordingly.
Section 7
Lunches, Snacks, Classroom Parties
Saint Ann’s Academy promotes healthy eating habits for all students. Parents and students are encouraged to pack fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products for lunches and snacks. Parents and students are asked not to bring to school foods of minimal nutritional value or peanuts. In addition, portion size and nutritional standards for snacks and beverages should be considered.
Lunch time
Students are expected to bring their lunch to school each day unless they will be participating in the catered lunches, or hot dog lunches. The lunch period is from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. Students are not permitted to leave the school to purchase lunch. Students eat lunch in their classroom, with the exception of the monthly hot dog lunch, which is served in the gymnasium.
Hot dog lunch
The monthly hot dog lunch program is managed by volunteer parents. Each grade is assigned a month to be responsible for providing volunteers.
Classroom Parties
Classroom parties, such as birthday parties, may be held at the discretion and with the prior permission of the homeroom teacher. No Cakes cup cakes only.
Field Trip Policy
Field trips enrich our students, but field trips are privileges and may be denied to any student who fails to meet academic or behavioral requirements. The student must have a current School Emergency Form on file in the school office as well as a Field Trip Permission Form signed by a parent or guardian. Both forms are on the web site, stannsacademy.net
Section 8
Student Records and Other Information on File
Saint Ann’s Academy adheres to the Buckley Amendment (Family Education Rights and Privacy) regarding access to student records. Records of students transferring to other schools will only be sent through the United States Postal Service. No records will be given to parents to transport to the new school.
Students requesting records/transcripts/recommendations must make a five school-day request to the School Office. All forms should be submitted to the Saint Ann’s Academy School Office distribution. Completed forms will be sent via the U. S. Postal Service.
No records will be sent to transferring schools of students whose financial commitment is in arrears.
Saint Ann’s Academy maintains an information file related to the education and safety of each student. In addition to the student’s academic records the types of information also maintained in file are the following:
Student Health Records
A health record for each student is kept on file in the school office. The District of Columbia Health Department reviews these records annually and requires all immunizations to be up-to-date.
School Emergency Form
A School Emergency Form for each student is kept on file in the school office. This form includes information regarding a student’s medical needs as well as emergency addresses and phone numbers of responsible people to contact. Parents should keep this form current by notifying the school of any changes or additions.
Student/Family Form
A Student/Family Form for each student is kept on file in the school office. This form is necessary to have an up-to-date record of the students’ current address and other information required by either the D.C. School System or the Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Office.
High School Transfer Requests
Recommendations and school record requests will be sent to high school admissions’ offices in December. Requests for transcript records are completed at no extra cost. However, there will be a $20.00 charge per request once five requests have been completed for the same student.
Progress Notices
Parents are expected to sign the progress notice form and return it to the student’s homeroom teacher the day after it is received.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued quarterly. Report card grades reflect a summation of test scores, daily work, homework, class participation and extra credit work. Parents may keep the report card to review with their child. Saint Ann’s grading scale is as follows:
93%-100% A
92%-85% B
84%-77% C
76%-69% D
69%-0% F
Honor Roll Grades 4 – 8.
Honor Roll is made by students who receive the following grades.
First Honors All “A”s and “E”s
Second Honors At least 3 A’s, B’s, G’s and E’s Honorable Mention At least 3 A’s, B’s, 1 C, or 1 S
No more than one comment code, #’s 21, 22, or 23 in any one marking period.
Section 9
Uniform Policy and Dress Code
Uniforms are required for each student at Saint Ann’s Academy from Kindergarten through Grade 8. All Uniforms may be purchased from:
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms, Inc. 1-800-441-4122
5210 Randolph Road 1-215-637-6392
Rockville, MD 20852 School Code: DC033
Uniform requirements vary depending on gender and grade level. All uniforms should be clean and in good repair. The requirements are described below:
Uniform Shoes for Whole School
All students in K-8 must wear Dirty Buck Oxford shoes. No Other Color
Pre-school – Red logo sweat shirts/T shirts
Grades K through 8
Girls’ Warm Weather Uniform. Red Plaid black or brown belt
White Golf Shirt with St. Ann’s Academy Logo
Tennis Shoes
White Socks above the ankle
Girls’ Regular Uniform
Grades Kindergarten through Fourth
Red Plaid Uniform Jumper
White Blouse with Peter Pan collar or on cold days, a White
Red Cardigan Sweater with the St. Ann’s Academy Logo
Black or White regular socks, above the ankle, Knee Socks or White or Black Tights
Grades 5 through 8
Red Plaid Uniform Skirt with pleats (Skirts must be no shorter than three inches above the knee.)
White Oxford Cloth, Button-down Blouse
Red Sweater with Saint Ann’s Academy Logo or red V neck
White, above the ankle or knee socks, black socks, or knee socks or
White or Black Tights
Boys’ Warm Weather Uniform all Grades
Blue shorts (worn with a black or brown belt)
Light Blue Golf Shirt with St. Ann’s Academy Logo
Tennis Shoes with sport socks
Boys’ Regular Uniform all Grades
Blue Trousers (worn with a black or brown belt)
Short or long-sleeved logo golf shirt (Shirts must be tucked in.)
White undershirts only (no other colored T shirts may be worn under the uniform shirt
Navy Blue, Long-sleeved V-neck Sweater with logo
Gym Uniform for Whole School
Navy Blue Sweat Shirt with Saint Ann’s Academy Logo
Navy Blue Sweat Pants with Saint Ann’s Academy Logo
Navy Blue Shorts with Saint Ann’s Academy Logo
Gray tee shirt with Saint Ann’s Academy Logo
White Sports Socks
(If a student is not in proper uniform, he/she may not participate in physical education.)
Miscellaneous Grooming Policies
No visible tattoos
No bleached or rainbow color hair rinses
No student may wear nose rings, eye brow rings, or lip rings or
Male student may not wear earrings
No dangling or hoop earrings. Bracelets are prohibited. Necklaces may not be visible.
Girls may wear one earring per lobe no larger than a dime.
Students may not wear makeupor colored nail polish. Students may not draw or mark their skin.
No other visible piercing allowed.
Free Dress Day
Free dress day is offered as an earned privilege for students who have had no out of uniform infractions for the proceeding month. If a student chooses to participate in Free Dress they are requested to bring in .50 or a can of food.
Students may also participate in Free Dress on their birthday or half-birthday.
The following attire is not to be worn at any time:
Short Mini Skirts
Short Shorts
Crop Tops or low cut tops
Spaghetti strap top or strapless tops
See thru tops
Offensive, inappropriate, slogans on shirts
Sleeveless T-shirts
Cut off denim jeans or shorts
Flip flops
Thong sandals or open toed or open heeled shoes
Colored nail polish or make-up
Low cut pants
At Saint Ann’s Academy students are expected to apply and live by the values that Jesus taught us: compassion, sympathy and respect. Saint Ann’s students are expected to greet (and be greeted) by the pastor, principal, and faculty by name. Saint Ann’s students are expected to follow directions the first time they are given.
Saint Ann’s Academy students are expected to be:
- Respectful
- Honest
- Work to the best of their ability
- Work with and be respectful of all classmates
- Kind and compassionate
Discipline Policy
Yellow disciplinary slips will be given for:
- Disruptive behavior
- Insubordination (not obeying authority figures)
- Inappropriate language/behavior
- Chewing gum
- Three uniform violations per quarter
Cell Phone/Electronic Policy
Using cell phones or electronics (MP3 players, video games, recorders, etc) between 8:10 am and 3:00 pm is prohibited and will result in a Yellow slip. Students with an emergency may ask to use the phone in the office.
Students are to have a parent/guardian sign the yellow slip (acknowledging that it has been seen), and the student is to return the slip to the teacher who issued it the next school day. Failure to do so may result in the student receiving another Yellow slip.
Pink disciplinary slips will be given for:
- The accumulation of three Yellow slips in a semester
- Disrespecting teachers, other students, school property
- Foul Language
- Leaving class or school without permission
A Pink slip warrants a phone call from the issuing teacher(s) or the vice-principal to the student’s parent/guardian.
Detention may be issued for a breach of classroom and/or school rules. Parents are provided with a Detention Form with written notification of the detention. The day, date and time are at the discretion of the Principal who monitors the detention. Detention takes precedence over appointments, practices, lessons, tutoring, ballgames, etc.
Students will be suspended for:
- The accumulation of three Pink slips in a semester
- Fighting
- Stealing, vandalism on or off school property
- Inappropriate touching or suggestive behavior
- Any infraction that the Principal or Assistant-Principal determines serious enough to warrant a suspension.
Students who are given an in-school suspension will be required to report to school each day and work with a substitute teacher paid for ($75.00) by the suspended student’s parents.
Students who receive an out-of school suspension will not be allowed on campus during the time of their suspension including sporting events. Students must complete all class work and test from the days of suspension.
Expulsion is an extremely serious matter. After consultation with the Pastor, Archdiocese of Washington Catholic Schools office, Principal and Assistant-Principal; students who pose a threat to themselves or to others may be expelled from Saint Ann’s Academy.
Section 10
The Behavioral Expectations System
The Behavioral Expectations System is a set of strategies and systems to increase the capacity of schools to (a) reduce school disruption and (b) educate all students including those with problem behaviors.
The system is based upon:
1. Clearly defined outcomes
2. Research-validated practices
3. Supportive administrative systems
4. Use of information for problem solving
Students at Saint Ann’s Academy are expected to…
Work Hard,
Praise God,
Be Kind
Teacher & Staff Responsibilities:
Teachers and staff will teach, model and practice each of the behavioral expectations throughout the year. Teachers and staff will acknowledge student behaviors that meet the expectations.
Teachers and staff will implement IHUM strategies.
I – interact with students
HU – heads up, always looking around at students
M – moving constantly in and around students
Teachers and staff will consistently follow school-wide procedures for infractions.
Acknowledgment System
One feature of the system focuses on acknowledging students who demonstrate our behavioral expectations. This program works in conjunction with school-wide and classroom goals. Students are recognized at an assembly once per month for exhibiting our behavioral expectations. A student may nominate another student for recognition. Each classroom has a falcon card container and a supply of blank falcon cards. Any teacher or student may fill out a card describing a good deed, a positive accomplishment, an unselfish or caring act. The card must be signed, dated, and placed in the container. Faculty and students will gather once a month in the church to recognize the good deeds and positive accomplishments of our students.
A Safe, Orderly Peaceful Environment
From the moment students walk through the front doors of Saint Ann’s Academy, they should expect to learn from highly qualified teachers in a safe, peaceful, orderly environment. To give our students the environment they deserve, we expect all students to follow our school-wide procedures.
1. Morning Prayer and Assembly Procedures
Enter the gym quietly.
Remove any hat.
Greet the teacher by name. “Good morning, Ms. ______”
Walk to your designated class area.
Sit quietly against the wall.
At the 8:10 A.M. bell, put away all belongings, stand and form a line facing the stage with your class. Place all belongings (backpacks, bags) at feet.
Stand silently and still during the Reading and announcements. Distracting movements during prayer or conversation are considered rude. Such movements include swaying, stretching, checking bags, pockets, hair, hands, clothes or shoes.
Recite prayers with hands clasped.
Recite Pledge of Allegiance with right hand over heart and left hand behind back.
Remain in line and silent between the announcement and song.
Sing respectfully and sincerely.
When someone is acknowledged, applaud by clapping, not by shouting, which is an attempt to draw the attention back to you.
Exit gym silently and in a single line at your teacher’s direction.
2. Dismissal Procedures
Students in Extended Care or After-School Activities
With a teacher escorting them, students walk silently in a single-file line to the gym. There, they walk quietly to their designated areas and sit as they wait for instructions from the adult supervising them.
Students leaving by car
Students pack up quietly and line up silently.
In a single-file line, students walk with the teacher to the designated area in the hall.
Sit silently in designated area in the hall, against the wall with hands, feet and belongings away from the center of the hallway.
Students who need to use a phone — for either a voice call or text message — must ask a teacher for permission to use a phone in the office.
Students should watch and listen for their name to be called.
Students should watch for adults entering or exiting the building as they approach the doors. Yield to adults or hold the door open for them.
Stay on the sidewalk until the car or bus has stopped.
Get in on the sidewalk side of the car.
Walkers and Metro Riders
Walk silently in single-file line with teachers to the front hallway.
Yield to adults or hold the door open for them.
Stay on sidewalks. Watch for cars in parking lot.
Watch out for other students, especially younger students. Take their hand and watch for cars while crossing the parking lot.
Wait on the sidewalk at the intersection until the “walk” sign is given.
Go directly to the Metro.
Go directly and quietly into the library if using the library.
Students are not permitted to leave the school and then return for extended care.
3. Hallway Procedures
When an entire class is transitioning, students should quietly gather their supplies and form a line.
Once in line, students are to be silent as they listen for the teacher’s directions.
In a single-file line, students walk silently on the right side of the hallway with hands down by their sides.
Students line up silently along the wall outside of their next class and wait for the teacher there to invite them into the room.
Enter quietly, orderly (one at a time through the door) and go directly to your seat and sit at your desk.
Get out work and supplies you will need for class and place them on your desk while you wait for the teacher’s instructions.
4. Recess Procedures
Students must walk silently in a single line to recess.
Students must remain in the designated recess area.
Students are prohibited from playing on the grass adjacent to the church and are prohibited from going to the sidewalk or steps on the front side of the gym.
Use equipment properly.
Do not climb or hang on basketball hoop
Do not throw or shoot basketballs from the terrace.
Let teachers know when balls go onto Wisconsin Avenue sidewalk.
Immediately tell the teacher on duty about any accident or unsafe or dangerous activity.
On the first bell or whistle, students freeze. Balls are held with two hands, all games stop, and students are silent.
On the second bell, students silently form a single-file line and wait for the teacher to instruct them.
When directed by the teacher, students walk back to their classrooms and line up in the hall. Balls are to be held with both hands while walking through the hallway.
Students stand silently in line until their teacher invites them to enter the room or directs them to walk to catered lunch after washing their hands.
Section 11
Inclement Weather
Saint Ann’s Academy follows the Montgomery County Public Schools System (MCPSS) regarding delayed openings in the morning and cancellations for the school day.
If Saint Ann’s Academy deviates from Montgomery County’s decision, parents will be notified by School Reach ®. Please be sure the Saint Ann’s Academy office has all current contact information.
Fire Drills
Ten fire drills are mandated by the D.C. Department of Safety. The first week of school is the only announced fire drill. Teachers are required to instruct the students to leave the building by the designated exit in an orderly, quiet manner. Each classroom must have the fire drill procedures posted. Teachers must carry their roll books and attendance is taken once the students are lined up outside the building. An alternate route must also be posted in case the main exit is blocked. The ringing of the hand bell signifies the end of the fire drill. Students return quietly to their classrooms.
Emergency Evacuation Plan
In the event the school must be evacuated the students will follow the same rules as for the fire drills. The students will go to the church and take the same place in the church as if they were to be attending a liturgy until the all clear is given. The alternate off-property site is Janney School.
Lock Down
The Lock Down in general means all doors to outside and inside are kept locked. There are two types of Lock Down. The First is all outside doors are kept closed and locked. All doors are only opened to known people. The Second Lock Down is when an intruder is in the building. All outside and inside doors are kept locked. No student will be allowed to exit the classroom during this Lock Down. All doors are only opened to known people during any Lock Down. If there is an emergency and the intercom can not be used an assigned person will be contacted by cell phone from each wing of the building to go from classroom to classroom and show the classroom teacher a colored folder. The folders are color coded for each type of emergency.