The North West Current 11/10/2011 3rd Grade
Third Grade
By: Gregory Kennison and Gerard Rivera
The third grade has done many educational and interesting things so far this year. In science, we
just finished a unit on outer space where we learned how the Moon causes waves in the Earth’s
oceans. We are now working on a unit on the weather and are learning how the water cycle gives
life on Earth. In religion, we are learning about the Sacraments and seasons of the liturgical
year. In social studies, we are working on a group project and presentation about different Indian
tribes, and are comparing them to the Piscataway tribe who lived in the DC area before new
settlers came. Soon we will be taking a field trip to the Smithsonian American Indian Museum to
learn more about tribes and to listen to a Native American storyteller.
In math, we are learning multiplication. We are not only working on our times tables, but we
also learned three strategies to use to solve a problem if we do not have the answer memorized
– arrays, drawing a picture, and repeated addition. We made an art project with sponge paints to
show arrays for our four times table. We are having a lot of fun learning math in creative ways!